
2023-12-09 10:30:56

kick [kɪk]v. ○1反冲,朝后座;○2 踢;‖ n. 踢;反冲,后座力
He kicked the door hard.他用力踢门。
kick oneself严厉自责‖kick in踢开;支付;‖ kick out解雇;开除;把球踢出界‖kick the ball踢球‖kick up踢起;引起;激起‖kick the habit戒除嗜好;戒掉习惯‖kick at向…踢去

kill [kɪl]v. 杀死;扼杀& n. 杀戮;屠杀
Why did you kill them? 你为什么要杀了他们?
Let’s kill off the bacteria! 让我们一起消灭细菌![kill off消灭]
The criminal killed himself yesterday.那个罪犯昨天自杀了。[kill oneself 自杀]

kind [kaɪnd] n. ○1种类;○2性质  adj. ○1和蔼的;○2宽容的;○3令人感激的
What kind of wine do you have? 你们有什么样的葡萄酒?
I must thank you for being so kind to me.真要感谢您对我这么好。

kiss [kɪs] n. ○1吻;○2轻触&  v. ○1吻;○2(风等)轻拂
He blew her a kiss.他给了她一个飞吻。

kite [kaɪt] n. [C] 风筝;鸢
He tried to fly his kite.他试图放飞他的风筝。[fly a kite放风筝]

knock [nɒk] v. 敲;打;敲击& n.敲;敲打;爆震声   
Knock before you enter.进来前先敲门。
knock on撞击撞出;敲击(门、窗)‖knock at敲(门、窗等)‖knock off击倒;停工;中断‖knock down击倒;拆卸‖knock at the door敲门;把……撞倒;撞墙‖knock on the door敲门‖knock over打翻;撞倒‖knock in(把钉子)钉入‖knock against撞击,与…冲突;偶然遇见‖knock into撞上;与…相撞

1. _______beautiful flowers they are!
2. _______ a good time we have today!
3. _______ fast he runs!
4. ________ good news he told us!
5. ________ friendly our English teacher is!

1. My brother likes rock music a lot.(改为否定句)
My brother _______ _____ rock music _______ _______.
2. She is a l ovely girl.(改为感叹句)
_______ a _______ girl!
3. I like country music.(对画线部分提问)
_______ _______ of music do you like?
4. She is going to learn dancing and singing.(改为选择疑问句)
_______ she going to learn dancing _______ singing?
5. Can you lend your pencil to me?(同义句转换)
May _______ _______ your pencil?

(    ) 1. The music _______ beautiful.
A. looks B.feels C. hears D. sounds
(    ) 2. ---Jane, can you play ___ baseball? 
---No, I can’t. But I can play ____ violin.
A. the; the B./;the C./; / D. the; /
(    ) 3. Good music _______ people comfort and peace ______ mind.
A. bring, of B. take, in C. borrow, to D. lend, for
(    ) 4.Pop music is _______ music.
A. serious B.exciting       C. hard D. simple
(    ) 5.Liu Dehua, Zhou Jielun and Lin Junjie are famous _______ their pop songs.
A. as B.for           C. with D. of



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